Monday, May 31, 2010

The Heartbreak Hundred-Event #3 in the King of the Mountains Century Challenge

It was another glorious day for a bike ride in Southern California and we took full advantage of the weather, the stunning scenery and the difficult climbing. I rode with my friend and fellow lunatic Eric Rice who made the trip down from Boulder Creek, CA. There were also two other riders, Alan Hamberlin and Nathan Frank, from our local bike shop, Focus Cyclery. The weather was perfect and the support for the ride was superb as always with a Planet Ultra event.

Check out the link below for a view of the ride through the eyes of the Garmin.

Heartbreak Hundred by michael.barbour at Garmin Connect - Details

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Heartbreak Hundred

I'm off to Lebec, California tomorrow for the last ride in the Planet Ultra King of the Mountains trilogy. I did this ride last year with my buddy Eric Rice, and Eric will be joining me again for the torturous yet stunningly beautiful 100 miles and 8,500 feet of climbing.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Focus to Usery and Butcher Jones

Another glorious Arizona day and quite perfect for a ride. We had the folks from Lifetime Fitness join the group and much suffering was had by all.

Perhaps the most exciting part of the day came just before the climb up the front side of Usery when we spooked a couple on horseback. More than a few of us thought for sure there was going to be a tangle of horse and bike but we all somehow managed to keep from plowing into each other. We were thinking we shouldn't call out to let them know we were there lest we scare the horses. It looks like just the opposite is true.

Check out the ride through the Garmin GPS by following the link below.

Focus to Usery and Butcher Jones by michael.barbour at Garmin Connect - Details