Monday, August 24, 2009


Was out riding the Santan Mountain loop on Sunday and having a great time suffering but had a small problem on the return home. I ran over some glass coming down Gary Rd. from the Santan Mountains. The front tire blew out, washed out on me, and I crashed. No real road rash and the bike (the blue cyclocross) was okay. I’m very bruised and stiff. This week of riding should be interesting.

Friday, August 7, 2009


Deb and I took off from the Needle Vista this morning and tackled the ride out past Tortilla Flats to the End-of-Pavement. It was just as painful as I remember it. All in all we had a good ride and our times were not too shabby. The temperature was not too horribly hot and the scenery was sublime. One of the best rides in the east valley without a doubt.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Welcome Back Jim

Saturday was the welcome back ride for Jim after his six weeks off after surgery. Just as suspected by most of us mere mortals he returned with a vengeance. Allen managed to keep up with him early in the day while the rest of us clawed our way up La Sendas, and the front and back side of Usery in the rear. The second pass through the Usery torture fest was less kind to Jim and he rejoined the ranks of the mortals...this too shall pass.